Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s)

Most people are exposed to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on a routine basis, and don’t even know it:

Can some levels of exposure cause health effects? What are the sources of EMF’s?  When are EMF’s dangerous?

EMF (or ElectroMagnetic Field) is a broad term which includes electric fields generated by charged particles in motion, and radiated fields such as TV, radio, hair dryer, and microwaves. Electric fields are measured in units of volts per meter or V/m. Magnetic fields are measured in milli-Gauss or mG. The field is always strongest near the source and diminishes as you move away from the source. These energies have the ability to influence particles at great distances. For example, the radiation from a radio tower influences the atoms within a distant radio antenna, allowing it to pick up the signal. Despite the many wonderful conveniences of electrical technology, the effects of EMF on biological tissue remains the most controversial aspect of the EMF issue, with virtually all scientists agreeing that more research is necessary to determine safe or dangerous levels.

On occasions consumers call the utility company or electricians and find themselves speaking with persons who have limited knowledge of the seriousness and complexity of EMF and thus receive misleading information.  It is true that appliances such as an electric razor give off more EMF than the readings that are found in utility supply line areas.  However, they fail to mention that these are “point” sources that reduce to zero (0) within a few feet from the source, and thus the consumer does not have long term exposure to EMF emissions.  This condition differs from power lines that affect a property 24 hours a day on a constant basis. Studies have concentrated on long-term exposure and not the short-term exposure from point sources.

These studies, conducted since the mid-1970s, have provided extensive information on the biological responses to long term power-frequency electric and magnetic field exposure. The Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Research and Public Information Dissemination (RAPID) Program was charged with the goal of determining if electric and magnetic fields associated with the generation, transmission, and use of electrical energy pose a risk to human health. The fact that 20 years of research have not answered that question is clear evidence that health effects of EMF are not obvious and that risk relationships, if risk is identified, are not simple. Because epidemiologic studies have raised concerns regarding the connection between certain serious human health effects and exposure to electric and magnetic fields, the program adopts the hypothesis that exposure to electric or magnetic fields under some conditions may lead to unacceptable risk to human health. The focus of the program is not only to test, as far as possible within the statutory time limits, that hypothesis for those serious health effects already identified, but to identify as far as possible the special conditions that lead to elevated risk and to recommend measures to manage risk.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (ES) is a physiological disorder characterized by symptoms directly brought on by exposure to electromagnetic fields. It produces neurological and allergic-type symptoms. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, and irregular heartbeat. Those affected persons may experience an abrupt onset of symptoms following exposure to a new EMF such as fields associated with a new computer or with new fluorescent lights, or a new home or work environment. Onset of ES has also reported following chemical exposure. A concerted effort to provide scientifically valid research on which to base decisions about EMF exposures is under way, and results are expected in the next several years. Meanwhile, some authorities recommend taking simple precautionary steps, such as the following:

  • Increase the distance between yourself and the EMF source sit at arms length from your computer terminal.
  • Avoid unnecessary proximity to high EMF sources dont let children play directly under power lines or on top of power transformers for underground lines.
  • Reduce time spent in the field turn off your computer monitor and other electrical appliances when you arent using them.

The Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States recommends a policy of prudent avoidance with respect to EMF. Prudent avoidance means to measure fields, determine the sources, and act to reduce exposure.

  1. Detect EMFs in your home and work environment. It is good to know where the sources of EMF are in your everyday world and how strong these sources are. Is there wiring in the wall behind your bed that you dont even know about? Is the vaporizer emitting strong fields in the babys room? How much EMF are you and your family getting from the power lines in the street? Even hair dryers emit EMFs. Home inspectors often have meters to measure EMFs, or they can be purchased and shared with friends.
  2. Diminish your exposure to the EMFs you find. Determine how far you must stay away from the EMF emitters in your home and work environment to achieve less than 2.5 mG of exposurethe microwave oven, the alarm clock, the computer, and so on. Rearrange your furniture (especially the beds, desks, and couches where you spend the most time) away from heaters, wiring, fluorescent lights, electric doorbells, and other EMF hot spots. Where practical, replace electric appliances with non-electric devices. Where practical, replace electric appliances with non-electric devices. Have an electrician correct faulty high EMF wiring and help you eliminate dangerous stray ground currents. Consult a qualified EMF engineer if necessary. Contact National Electromagnetic Field Testing Association at 1-847-475-3696 for consultants in your area.
  3. Shield yourself. Use shielding devices on your computer screen and cellular phone. Add shielding to your household wiring, circuit box, and transformers.

Electric fields in the home, on average, range from 0 to 10 volts per meter. They can be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of times weaker than those encountered outdoors near power lines. Electric fields directly beneath power lines may vary from a few volts per meter for some overhead distribution lines to several thousands of volts per meter for extra high voltage power lines. Electric fields from power lines rapidly become weaker with distance and can be greatly reduced by walls and roofs of buildings.

Magnetic fields are not blocked by most materials. Magnetic fields encountered in homes vary greatly. Magnetic fields rapidly become weaker with distance from the source.

If you are comparing the information in this chart with measurements in your own home, keep in mind that this chart shows averages of measurements taken throughout the homes, not the single highest measurement found in the home. A study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) took spot measurements of magnetic fields in the center of rooms in 992 homes throughout the United States. Half of the houses studied had magnetic field measurements of 0.6 mG or less, when the average of measurements from all the rooms in the house was calculated (the all-room mean magnetic field). The all-room mean magnetic field for all houses studied was 0.9 mG. The measurements were made away from electrical appliances and reflect primarily the fields from household wiring and outside power lines.

Magnetic fields close to electrical appliances are often much stronger than those from other sources, including magnetic fields directly under power lines. Appliance fields decrease in strength with distance more quickly than do power line fields.

The graph shows magnetic fields produced by electric blankets, including conventional 110-V electric blankets as well as the PTC (positive temperature coefficient) low-magnetic-field blankets. The fields were measured at a distance of about 2 inches from the blankets surface, roughly the distance from the blanket to the users internal organs. Because of the wiring, magnetic field strengths vary from point to point on the blanket. The graph reflects this and gives both the peak and average measurement.


For testing, we use state of the art “Sper Scientific EMF Meter #840045” which measures single axis as well as dual axis flat frequencies.


We test all four corners of the exterior property, as well as any electric entrances or visible transmission lines at the building envelope itself.  While recording the readings our meter detects, we proceed to the interior of the home and record readings at all levels accessible levels, electrical service boxes as well as interior appliances and light fixtures.

In the cases where elevated EMF levels are detected, controversy can develop in the interpretation of the data gathered.  We simply compare any recorded data to the publically accessible data gathered by various recognized institutions and from an unbiased opinion from there.  The complexity of the issue can expand when the potential need for potential mitigation arises or the location of critical abnormal field sources is in question.  In this case, we recommend contacting the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and visiting NIH: Electric & Magnetic Fields.